Sunday, August 30, 2009

2012 - The slowdown in the achievement of our objectives

As we approach 2012, the date for the Mayan calendar, we have all seen how our lives have become more intense. This is due to an increase of energy or light from the earth at this time. This light has a vibration rate much faster than we are accustomed.

Those of us who work internally to recognize that the model release is absolutely necessary, superfluous, since the old methods know longer work. Instead, we find the revelations and self-healing and life at a pace faster than ever. Others who are not aware of the fact that the car can be the reaction, the phenomenon of disorder or violence.

What can we do to alleviate the pressure on our time? The Hopi has a prophecy of our global dilemma. They say: "To speed things up, you slow down." The might ask: "How can you do?" And: "But is it really possible? After all, we live in an age of instant communication, the cowboys of the road, and fifty hours a week.

A simple way to slow, easy breathing slowly and deeply. You can start sharing your fear, you do not have enough time to finish everything. An excellent practical exercise anywhere and anytime you can slow breathing

  • Account Breathe 4
  • Hold your breath for a 4
  • Account Breathe 4
  • Hold your breath and count 4.
  • Repeat this for 5-15 minutes or longer if necessary.

Working with this exercise will help you a calmer state of mind again. Even if you can do more work clearly and in greater depth is desperate, or running. Take this an indication of the nature.

A Hummingbird flower often visit my porch. Sometimes, however, prevents its speed. Fire so fast that they lack the flowers that came to feed them. The hum of 'the other hand, the power methodically from flower to flower and nectar plants wherever possible. Even the time for a nap in the afternoon. When you wake up, return them to their jobs.

The next time, you do not feel enough time for them, what do you take a deep breath, clear my mind and remember that the slow tempo.

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