Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The prophecy of Babylon: Road to Armageddon

Saddam Hussein was trying to rebuild Babylon, before he had tried to rule the country with an iron fist. There are good reasons for all this, for reasons that are front pages of newspapers, because we are here against the Americans. Historically and geographically, is a tactical point in the world. The Euphrates is about 150 miles from Babylon, Iraq is an important part of the Armageddon of the New World Order puzzle. (It is possible in the Bible (Isaiah thinking cap. 13, the Rev. Jeremiah chapter 50 and chapter 18.) I want to wait a minute.

Every great power, with a base near the Persian Gulf would be in command of all the Far East and Middle East, particularly in the world. So why are we here? Why not China, Iran, Syria, Russia, Jordan and the rest of the clown of the concern of the United States is therefore. If I were them, I also fear that says: "What is feared there?" Burma, now referring to the invasion of the United States, so that all the countries I mentioned, we now have easy, if you want to use.

Jordan is a game that was every hour and biblically, Jordan, Moab and Edom, the Old Testament that we will see further changes occur. President Bushes is on his way during the writing of this article in Jordan.

Elam, in the Old Testament (In my studies, I found my studies of theology in the Old Testament in a university, and that this interest)

Elam is that today, like Iran, which, of course, the Persian Gulf. Elam said the prophecy is a powerful country as it is now almost a nuclear power. (See Jer. 49). We can see, Iraq and Iran, to disappear just enjoying the moment, to be his role as a new force in world events.

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