Friday, August 21, 2009

Did God speak a curse on the White House for 2012?

This article was published on 4 February 2008. This date is important to show that especially accurate prediction even with updates, which are called to their attention.

Will purge Elijah Washington corruption?

In the Old Testament, Elijah was part of a motion to delete two governments of Israel and Judah. Over 1000 executives had died at the time of the cleanup completed.

In Malachi says that another ministry, such as Elie said, just before Christ returned. They tell us that this ministry is needed to rescue the nation. When the end of our time is not Elijah, God, to renounce and destroy the nation.

We understand that Washington Elijah is clean to prevent God to destroy the United States?

It is true that corruption is not controlled at the moment in American history. And the Heads of State and Government to take serious measures are no measures to control corruption, or have of themselves. On the contrary, they have no major action. You seem to see things as they are.

Can you seriously believe that an end to Elijah?

Everything in this article is a forecast. However, this is a very good prognosis because of examinations of the Bible.

In 1991, the study also predicted success with the choice of an unknown candidate named, Bill Clinton in the presidential elections the 1993rd At the same time, he says the future of his wife Hillary Clinton in the White House. It must not be President.

That was 16 years ago. This proves the correctness of this study of the Bible.

The same study showed also a cleanup of hundreds of heads of state and government of the United States and Britain in the years 2008 and 2012 (inclusive).

The study of the Bible compares our world today in the ancient world. It is assumed that history is repeating itself. He predicts that the story is repeated almost exactly. The U.S. and Britain are in the process, the history repeated.

"Those who do not learn history are condemned to repeat." G. Santayana, philosopher

The study of the Bible is a parallel between the Government of the United States and Israel of old, had the capital to Samaria. At the same time, there is a parallel between the British government and the Jew, had its capital in Jerusalem.

There was 22 years, the evil King Ahab of Israel has decided, with his wife, Jezabel. The parallel is a modern period from 1991 to 2012 (included).

At this point I do not like the reader through the technical details. If you are a reader occasionally, enough to skip this inset. Ahab reign corresponds with two overlapping president governs. Domination from 1989 to 2008. The other rule is, from 1993 to 2012.

I believe that God enabled Elijah 3 years in the reign of Ahab. This corresponds to the 1991st While the Ministry of Elijah is a 22-years, from 1991 to 2012. Elijah is one of two witnesses. While the ministry of two witnesses is from 1991 to 2012. In her ministry deals with the corruption in the governments of the United States and Britain.

You will have noticed more than 24 years on the presidential election period from 1989 to 2012. This is the phenomenon of compression of time between the game on a predetermined time, for God to a shortening of the deadlines at the end of time, to avoid all meats must be destroyed. Maybe you forgot that the state of the verses. The forerunner of the prophecy calendar shows how God is always expected to shorten the time. Because of the compression factor of two dynasties of presidential elections until the end of 2012.

Read your Bible, to the events in the context of the comparison. Queen Jezabel Ahab dynasty after Ahab died in battle. However there was no king, because the son of Ahab reigned as kings. You can use the book of Kings, at the end of the dynasty of Ahab family and how God has Jehu back a government pro-God. General Colin Powell is the end of the period of the general peer Jehu.

Why am I the year 2012? The answer that I was not elected. The forerunner of the prophesy of the year as planned. It is a former Masonic calendar, the dates time events, the governments of the United States and Britain.

In the 22 years preceding 2012, the decisions of government and policy regarding by Ahab and Jezabel.

Prime Ministers to meet the King Jehoshaphat. It is a very favorable comparison. Jehoshaphat one defect, which angry at God. Jehoshaphat with Ahab and Jezabel.

In these modern times, we can say that the Prime Minister John Major and Tony Blair has just one error, that the wrath of God. Together with the American president.

God cursed Ahab and Jezabel almost everything did. Jehoshaphat can only loose to the Jews in Israel. Today we can say that the British Prime Ministers do not lose their land by companies with President Suite.

2007, the UK has good leadership in the eyes of God. However the British direction will change. This modification is unacceptable to God. And there is something dramatic about this issue.

History of the Masonic Calendar

If we seriously compare the Old Testament Israel in the U.S., we would have finished there is now a curse on the leadership of the nation.

The Masonic Prophecy calendar, the year 2012 as the date of the end Elia work. Elia working mainly on the purification of corrupt leaders. For example, Elijah's 22-years the Ministry has in parallel to 22-year reign Ahab.

According to the ancestors of the prophesy calendar, Elijah's 22-year-olds from 1991 to 2012.

The range of the year the curse of the White House and Downing Street 10 is, of course, with a divine plan that God has created before the earth.

I think, is the amazing story of this plan is the history of Freemasonry.

Enoch discovered this magic. Enoch was the first Masonic others, Enoch which God himself has the expect paper. Elie as Moses, Daniel and John, Enoch has an end, a ministry to time in the institutions of the two witnesses.

Bible students have long debated the identity of the two witnesses. Some people say that Enoch. Some say its Moses. Some people say that Elia. And they could also Daniel and John, because they said they would return at the end of the mid-term break.

The truth is that all these people back into the bodies of the two witnesses. You might ask why Enoch, all persons re-entering the bodies of the two witnesses. It is the plan of Enoch, which again with the two witnesses.

Two supported this old model witness at the end of time to understand the prophecy. Through this plan, they are able to write books that the prophecy Fahrzeugplombe Christians.

While Enoch was the only to the divine model for other monuments built. Job May the genius who has the plan of Enoch to design the Great Pyramid. The way in which God spoke of employment show that the employment was a genius of architecture. The construction of May, by another genius.

Or the divine plan has been used around the Great Pyramid. Therefore, the pyramid prophetic abilities. The might think that the Great Pyramid is a pile of stones. Some experts say it is amazing that the old man was intelligent enough to make a pile of stones. The truth is that the Great Pyramid is by far the greatest fulfillment of humanity. It took a lot of genius that the journey to the moon.

May by the human race, a thousand years in the development of a computer, the future, such as the Great Pyramid, a. For example, it is surprising that the Great Pyramid knew that President George W. Bush II, to sign documents to the war against terrorism on exactly September 17, 2001.

Another way to say this is the most powerful computers are not concerned with the ability to calculate a pile of rocks composed 4,000 years.

"[We] always curious how the children before the great mystery in which we are born." Einstein --

Artists who have the tabernacle of God was the same scheme was used to the Great Pyramid. Moses was the divine understanding for monitoring the construction of the tabernacle. Therefore, it is said that Moses is one of two witnesses. In one direction, the two witnesses are the construction of the last tabernacle of God that is spiritual in nature and is composed of Christians.

The last deployment of the architecture divine plan was the Washington Monument. Because the plan of God, the monument was also prophetic abilities to complement the in the Great Pyramid and the tabernacle of God.

The monument, which speaks for the period until the next government of the United States and the British government. It is logical, because the Masons were concerned about the future of America and the President, in the post at the end of time.

We can thank God that he is satisfied, delete the corrupt our government and not destroy our beloved nation.

"If the Lord does not abbreviated these days, no life would have been saved but for the sake of the election, which chose, he Linking day." Mark 13:20

The divine plan shows a compression of time in the years before 2012. Years, to the suburbs. This shortening of the time is good because we do not want God to anger against our government leaders, too long. Innocent citizen are hurt that the collateral damage.

Rules of God, Christians in Israel

America's Masonic forefathers were dead serious government of the United States in the eyes of God.

After you threw the ancient Israelites, God, in his view denied and Jerusalem, he has to create a new nation, Israel, the spiritual nature.

"The Lord said," I go to my Judah than I was in Israel in my view. I reject Jerusalem, the city that I chose and I am opposed to the temple, where I said that my name would be "." 2 Kings 23:27

God has given the Christian Europe and the Christians in the United States as a nation, its new spiritual Israel. USA New Testament Israel. Washington DC is the New Testament Jerusalem. Elijah is a prophet of the New Testament and in Israel, and he deletes the Israeli government as before.

In one direction, the White House and Downing Street 10 are from the apartment of the Christ. Also, it is not set up long-term corruption. He cleans the house, if necessary. If this study of the Bible accurately interpreted the prophecy, becomes a cleansing and coming soon and many executives today are not the leaders of tomorrow.

Their leader are not my choice

A citizen can prove that the Heads of State and Government in a fair trial. Today, nothing could be further from the truth. The campaigns are firmly under the control of the company donors.

Because this situation that they are puppets of corruption in the White House and Congress. Some judges, because they are the puppets.

"You have the Kings, but not by me: they have the princes, and I knew [it] not by their silver and gold, they have to idols, which they separated, May." Hosea 8:4

So, the truth is that neither God nor man, our government leaders to power. Therefore, the power of darkness and mislead the citizens of each turning point. A corrupt system has focused on the need for a radical correction. A piece of time Elia is with this change.

"And I over Jerusalem, in Samaria and Ahab dive of the house, and I will wipe Jerusalem as a man wipeth a plate, wipes and turning on its head." 2 Kings 21:13

Wipeout The term refers to the year 2012, as many executives, in fact, be destroyed at the end of this year.

It May not be the fire from heaven, as if there were in the time of the first Elijah. (Even the terrorist attacks in May involve. The terrorists have no doubt the fire from heaven.)

May topple the leaders of other executives, to the good remain.

The social and political environment of the Old Testament, Israel graze on the civil war. Thus, America could be before the civil war. Poor Economy May to social unrest. We see terrible signs of the drought combined. Economist are a further announcement by the Great Depression. Of violent clashes between militant left and right could lead to a civil war.

Poetic Justice

As our corrupt deleted? It is clear, the reading of the Bible that God love the people, to corrupt justice poetic.

This means that our corrupt will meet their fates in the same way, they hurt others. For example, if a person secretly organized the case of an innocent man, the case will also be the secret.

I do not want in the situation graphically why I use the term. If you have a graphic description of conditions, read the books of Kings.

Colin Powell, God's Choice

What, on the other side of the end? By the end of 2012, God has suddenly at the end of 66 years of corruption and the mistakes of the President, MPs and judges.

Comparing the results from the Old Testament Israel, the registration of the New Testament in Israel, we see that the U.S. is not a great president since Franklin Roosevelt in 1945. God's intention, the new Franklin Roosevelt for the presidency.

It is, May, we need another Franklin Roosevelt in May, because the nation is the same policy, economic and social situation, it was during the Great Depression and the Second World War. We are in WWIII (Armageddon), as the proliferation of nuclear weapons systems and the aggressive, threatening world peace.

Who is God, the new Franklin Roosevelt? God has a model for the selection of persons, who dominates the world. Even God loves the humble people. Colin Powell is the man.

There is another big reason, God has Colin Powell. However there is not enough space in this article to explain.

Suffice it to say that God was preparing a black American in particular. The man is my black. It cans be from any other race. I say this because everything in the life of Colin Powell is a part of training for the presidency.

Powell was predestined for a general. He was predestined for a person of public loyalty. The leadership characterized it spoiled, because it is a really good.

When Queen Elizabeth Knights Powell May they have not the deep significance of the action. It was Providence. Colin Powell has certain powers to the British government. The Queen called Sir Colin Powell to his testament, in the UK.

The lawyers explain the dynamics of the legal basis of the question. There is the biblical laws must be considered.

God, because he has the intention of grooming in 10 Downing Street, in the same time, it cleans the house in Washington.

The knighting Sir Colin Powell was a margin of God to give Powell the authority and powers, the will of the Queen, when they are prompted. It May also experienced by Queen Elizabeth.

Powell, A New Deal Republican

President Colin Powell has a formidable agenda. A man cannot only to complete. However God is firmly Powell, and it cannot not, unless it voluntarily Slacks off I do not believe that it is a Slacker.

Powell on the agenda in the first place before all the damage caused by the former president of 66.6 years (April 1945-November 2012). The number 666 is not a coincidence. It is a sign for us, the leadership during those years were 66.6 men, the way the animal and the sacrifice of citizens. God willing, to replace the animal with the love a man who loves God and has a pro-people agenda. The following parts of the agenda of Powell as I see it.

[Update of the forecast adjustment 5-July-2009: Obama administration will end prematurely and time with the numbers 666th]

Powell is to prevent the future President, the determination of U.S. troops in the wars without end and without a victory as they fought in Korea in the 40s.

Powell, the military-industrial complex, which came to power in the 50s.

Powell, the slope of the tyranny of selfish president. Arrogant president general from seeking to win the war, as the Vietnam War.

Powell is just the social programs such as those in the 60s, even if it is not effective, fair and infallible, feel the taxpayers.

Powell is the restoration of freedom of speech to the ministers. You're right to free speech is deliberately destroyed in the 60s by the IRS, the laws that are clearly unconstitutional. There is no place in the U.S., a U.S. citizen, including a minister, cannot of politics. It may be politics, regardless of the building, it is that it is a church or a building of the government.

Powell needs to ensure that the chairperson will not abuse their powers and the fulfillment of such offenses as espionage by political opponents.

Powell is to return under the provisions of the authorities. Shameless and unbridled greed of managers in companies led subcontracting jobs and lower wages. To the wretched economic situation of workers American companies plundered American energy consumers for any occasion.

Regulation and supervision of the government was serious success in the leadership of giants like Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Powell is an end to the alienation and the elites, is typical of the chairperson of the aristocratic families preferred.

Powell is an end to corruption campaign entirely from the law industry. He has the entire government in a brothel, where the politicians do not tips for businesses. And every night in the corresponding U.S. citizens.

A true campaign reform to end all donations. The campaigns are on the government run television, radio and Internet.

A true tax reform will be adapted if damaged and out of control, the officials and employees are no longer victims of the citizens. A turnover would save the citizens for the loss of property, plant and suicides. A tax would be a bad second option, because people still have their property taken away for wrong reasons. The ownership has not yet been directly effected by the scandal in the interest and penalties. The innocent victims would still have a look at the suicide.

The future president must be expelled for acts of office, the immorality, the above basic and predators.

The authority and power should be elected by the citizens. The imperial presidency has never been an end.

President should not be the authority to the war in underway, as the war in Iraq, without the vote of the audience.

Presidents must be prohibited to mystery of how the economic structure, between Canada, Mexico and the United States.

Chairperson should not be allowed to keep the borders of the United States was for the mass invasion of illegal workers. This was done at the request of employers in industry and agriculture. Illegal workers take U.S. jobs, wages to undermine the charity overflow, drain and social services to create environments where crime and social problems is a cancer of society. Employers of illegal labor just to create a class of slave labor that can be used and abused with impunity.

Chairperson should not be allowed if the money in taxes to finance the relocation of jobs in the U.S. from abroad.

Presidential candidate is required to provide the urine and the doping tests, because the medications can cause serious mental and emotional problems. The citizens must be protected against the President, MPs and judges in drugs with emotional and mental problems, which undertake, and the exercise of dictatorial power.

The abortion must be so people do not use as a form of birth control. Neither the government should tolerate Dehumanisierung of children in the womb. Abortion should not be accepted as normal, because the man is only an animal mentality. The whole society is dehumanised. It's the same psychology was Dehumanisierung of Stalin, Hitler and the KKK.

The employees of the government, elected and appointed, must provide a loyalty oath to preserve and protect the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Constitution. Politicians from left notified atheists and Marxists, in the judiciary, and they were methodically approaching the new Constitution of the United States into a Marxist constitution.

The link between religion and state, was designed by Jefferson and the other forefathers must be confirmed and sworn in the law.

The morale in schools is the founding example of Thomas Jefferson, when he left the money for the purchase of Bibles for the public schools. Also Bible programs must deal with Jefferson's basic curriculum.

The moral is the important question of the Americans. The country suffers because of immoral president, deputies, head of corporate and religious leaders. As a direct result of corruption between the leaders, which patriotic citizens die in unnecessary wars and difficult work of people lose their jobs to outsourcing.

The entire economy suffers because of the immoral CEO looting of consumers.

If the immorality of the average citizen, the whole nation suffers. Business is suffering because many consumers in Austria, the owners of companies and retailers in all courses.

Immorality from the top down and began to destroy the entire nation. Poor people are willing to take note when the leaders are corrupt. The simple mention of them and the corruption among the leaders as an excuse for their own corruption. It is dangerous leaven in society.

You could Is this phenomenon outflows immorality.

At this point we see that this article object is returned, he started with. This is the cleanup of the government of God in a period from late Elia. We can see why an adjustment would be desirable and necessary to rescue the nation from self-destruction.

We can understand why God must be at the forefront of society and the deletion of corrupt leaders. It was agreed with by the text, the back. After the corrupt leaders are eliminated, then there will be no impact on the immorality.

If you do not have the concept, the blame for one of our presidents. He used the expression efficiency. The concept is very elitist and sees shows the relationship between the president and the citizens.

I hope at the end of working hours and Elijah logical for you. I hope that you understand the need for a cleanup. I hope that you will remember, in this article, if the turnover of the leader seems unusually high in the coming years.

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